
We are Sustainable Luxury

Mother Earth has done right on us, now let’s do right on her. Are your designer pieces collecting dust instead of compliments? Time to hand them over. Consign your once beloved items with Replica Handbag . When it comes to designer, you deserve to flaunt it, guilt free.

Consignments are accepted by appointment only.

Why sell with DoubleTake? First and foremost, we are real people with a love for fashion and sustainability. We have been in business since before retail consignment went digital. We are physically present at our Short Hills boutique and we closely manage our online presence - we’ve been in business for 30 years for a reason! With DoubleTake, you experience truly hands-on customer service. We pride ourselves on sales experience, 100% honesty, complete Best Quality ation, and great taste. And it shows - our customers are loyal and have enabled us to work with over 50,000 consignors over 3 decades.

Sell with DoubleTake

We accept women's designer handbags, clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and home goods on a seasonal basis. Items must be in new or like new condition with minimal signs of wear. Clothing must be dry cleaned and brought in on hangers (your hangers will be returned to you). A list of accepted designers can be found here.

Consignments are taken by appointment only to give you the time to ask questions and go over policies. We are also available 7 days a week to answer any questions before, during, and after your consignment period. Your consignment agreement contract can be found here.

Once inspected by a member of our sales staff, your consignment will go through a 2nd inspection by our Operations Team to confirm eligibility. Items that do not pass the 2nd inspection can be picked up or donated on your behalf. At this time your consignment is Best Quality ated, priced, and put on the sales floor. Please allow 4-7 business days for this process, depending on our current incoming inventory.

Items are photographed for the website & social media with high value items taking priority. Due to our large inventory, not every item consigned will be featured on our website.

Unsold merchandise will receive a 25% markdown every 30 days. You will receive your commission based on the selling price. We have multiple sales a year on top of a regular markdown schedule, any exclusions must be communicated with us at the time of consignment.

At the end of your consignment period, you MUST contact us to claim any unsold merchandise. Merchandise left behind after your expiration date will become property of DoubleTake.

A complete list of the designers we accept on consignment can be found here.

Standard commission split is 50/50.

High end designer handbag split can be between 60/40 and 70/30 with the higher split going to the consignor.

80/20 Split is reserved for Hermès Birkins or Kellys and Chanel Classic Flap Bags.

Higher splits are assessed on a case by case basis depending on designer, style, condition, and market value.

2022/2023 merchandise from designer labels such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Givenchy, Balenciaga, Tom Ford, Valentino, Celine, Dior, Goyard, Bottega Veneta, & Burberry can receive up to 70% commission.

*Other items may be eligible for a higher commission split with manager approval.

Commission checks are mailed within the first 2 weeks of the month when an account has at least $51. Your balance can also be used in-store at any time. We highly recommend checking in with us at the end of each month to learn the status of your account.

Replica Handbag is now taking lower-end contemporary brands for a buyout offer. To learn more about our Buyout Program click here.

Each item is carefully inspected and compared with current market value to determine the price. Other factors we base pricing on is designer, style, age, and condition. We take great pride in calculating a selling price that both benefits the consignor and the customer. Our objective is to sell every piece you consign. If you are unhappy with our pricing or consignment policies please feel free to pick up your items as soon as possible.

Our experienced Operations Team work together to hand Best Quality ate each item using our own Best Quality ity checkpoints. We are also an Entrupy certified business. DoubleTake does not tolerate replica merchandise and will confiscate all fakes knowingly consigned.

To get a general quote and commission split on your designer items please use the form below. Any other inquiries please call or email us at