We are excited to announce that Replica Handbag will now be offering a buyout option for your gently worn, current style contemporary brands such as Free People, Club Monaco, J. Crew, Zara, etc. We are adopting this new program due to popular demand as we’ve noticed a large percentage of our consignors come to us with a large quantity of items that is a mix of high-end designers like Chanel, Gucci, Hermes mixed in with their more moderately priced contemporary fashion designer merchandise and rather than rejecting these items, we have decided to offer a buyout program thus providing you with a higher level of convenience and value.
how the buyout program works
Bring in or send us a minimum of 15 items that meet the following criteria and we will give you a check on the spot or a higher amount in store credit:
- Current styles that are no more than 5 years old in ready to wear condition
- Labels and sizes must the attached
- No outlet items
- Dry cleaned or freshly laundered
- Free from smoke, perfume, or deodorant
- No stains, holes or missing buttons
- Merchandise must be brought in on hangers
The following brands are accepted for buyouts (list subject to change):
- & Other Stories
- Aritzia
- Anthropologie
- Banana Republic
- Club Monaco
- Everlane
- Free People
- Lululemon
- Lauren by Ralph Lauren
- Madewell
- Mango
- Massimo Dutti
- Oak + Fort
- Pixie Market
- Splendid
- Wilfred
- Zara
Not sure if we will accept something? Give us a call! 973-564-6464
We will review items and provide you with a bulk amount that we are willing to purchase the items for and if that is acceptable we will cut a check for you on the spot. However, if you prefer we will increase that amount by 50% for store credit. For example, if your items total $50 for the cash buyout, you can opt to receive $75 in store credit in lieu of the check. Please note, that the amounts cannot be split between cash and credit, nor will we provide an itemization.
If you choose to receive your buyout offer in store credit you will get an additonal 50% more added to your buyout. You will receive this as a gift card that can be used online and in-store.
You need a minimum of 10-15 items to qualify for a buyout. However there is no maximum number of items you can bring. You will be asked to provide us with an estimate of the amount of pieces so that we can schedule your appointment accordingly.
Instead of getting paid after your item sells, you will get paid immediately for the items we will accept for a buyout. We wanted to be able to offer more moderately priced contemporary brands such as Zara & J. Crew as we’ve noticed a large percentage of our consignors come to us with mix of high-end designer brands and lower-end contemporary brands that are still in-style but we cannot accept on consignment.
Yes! Please have an estimate of the amount of items you are bringing in total so we can schedule your appointment accordingly. If you have a mix of buyout and consignment brands you can do both in one appointment. All clothing must be brought in on hangers.